v 2.0.8
QBlade Documentation
QBlade 1 is a state-of-the-art multi-physics code covering the complete range of aspects required for the aero-servo-hydro-elastic simulation of horizontal or vertical axis wind turbines. This software, developed since 2010, is implemented as a modular system of highly efficient multi-fidelity aerodynamic, structural dynamic, and hydrodynamic solvers within a modern, object-oriented C++ framework.
Advanced Performance and User-Friendly Interface
We leverage the current computer architecture by thoroughly utilizing CPU (via OpenMP) and GPU (via OpenCL) parallelization techniques for high numerical performance. QBlade is platform-independent software, deployable on workstations or clusters running Windows or Unix based operating systems. The software is equipped with an intuitive graphical user interface that aids users throughout the wind turbine design process. All turbine and simulation details are readily accessible and modifiable within a logical, well-structured, and tested graphical user interface (GUI). Simulation results are presented in dynamic graphs that provide insight into every simulation detail. Simulations and turbine designs are fully rendered in real time to aid in the comprehension and evaluation of our complex multi-physics models. QBlade enables the serialization of complete model data, setup, and results into project files to facilitate simple sharing and collaboration on complex simulation and turbine design projects. The Community Edition of QBlade (QBlade-CE) is freely available under the Academic Public License, while the Enterprise Edition (QBlade-EE) is available under a Commercial License.
QBlade uses a highly optimized and thoroughly validated Lifting Line Free Vortex Wake Method for its aerodynamic calculations. Instead of approximating the wake aerodynamics with a steady-state momentum balance (BEM), the rotor wake is explicitly modeled through Lagrangian vortex elements. This results in a more accurate and detailed spatial and temporal representation Marten et al.2 of the rotor induction compared to BEM approaches, and fully resolves the velocity distribution behind the rotor. This allows for the assessment of wind turbine wake interaction, accurately accounts for the aerodynamics of oscillating floating wind turbine structures, and explicitly resolves unsteady vertical axis wind turbine wake dynamics Balduzzi et al.3. As an alternative with lower computational demand, the aerodynamics of horizontal-axis wind turbines can be simulated using an unsteady polar-BEM implementation Madsen et al.4.
Structural Dynamics
The structural dynamics are modeled in a true multi-body formulation. The subcomponents of the multi-body model consist of rigid or flexible nonlinear Euler or Timoshenko beam elements in a corotational formulation. For floating offshore simulations, QBlade uses integrated cable elements in the absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF), which meet the requirements to effectively model the nonlinear dynamics of complex mooring systems.
The hydrodynamic loads on the wind turbine’s substructure are calculated either via potential flow theory, the Morison equation-based strip theory, or a user-defined combination of the two. The integrated potential flow approach also includes second order sum- and difference frequency loads obtained from quadratic transfer functions (QTFs). QBlade integrates with potential flow data from common software such as WAMIT, NEMOH, or similar toolboxes.

Fig. 1 Different wind turbine types modelled with QBlade.
- QBlade Documentation
- User’s Guide
- General GUI Functionality
- HAWT, VAWT and PROP Modes
- Data Structure, Import & Export
- Coordinate Systems and Conventions
- Airfoil Generation and Import
- Airfoil Analysis with XFoil
- 360° Polar Extrapolation
- Aerodynamic Blade Design
- Steady BEM Simulation
- Wind Turbine Modeling
- Modeling Overview
- General Turbine Parameters
- Aerodynamic Modeling
- Structural Modeling
- Marine Hydrokinetic Turbines
- Turbine Definition ASCII File
- Multi Rotor Turbine Assembly
- Multi Rotor Turbine Assembly ASCII File
- Controller Modeling
- Wind Turbine Controllers
- External Library Interface
- Adding a Controller or an External Library to a Turbine Definition
- Sending Turbine Data to a Wind Turbine Controller
- Sending Turbine Data to an External Library
- Applying Wind Turbine Controller Data to the Turbine
- Applying External Library Data to the Turbine
- Example for a custom controller library in C
- Substructure Modeling
- Substructure Overview
- Substructure Topology
- Mooring Elements
- Nonlinear Spring and Damper Constraints
- Hydrodynamic Modeling of a Substructure
- Sensor Locations and Definitions
- Exemplary Substructure File
- Alphabetical Keyword List
- Substructure File Format Changes from QBlade v2.06b
- Substructure Superelements
- Sequential Load Analysis
- Superelement Definitions
- Mass, Stiffness and Damping Matrices
- Superelement Damping
- Time Integration Parameters
- Initial Conditions and DoF
- Assigning Superelements in the Constraint Table
- Assigning Loads to Superelements
- Recommended Timesteps and Modal Frequencies
- Defining Output Sensors for a Superelement
- Exemplary Superelement Definition for the OC4 Jacket
- Wind Turbine Simulation
- Simulation Module Overview
- Simulation Definition
- General Simulation Settings
- Structural Model Initialization
- Wind Boundary Condition
- Turbine Setup
- Rotational Speed Settings
- Turbine Initial Conditions
- Floater Initial Conditions
- Structural Simulation Settings
- Turbine Events and Operation
- Multi Turbine Simulations
- Turbine Environment
- Wave Boundary Conditions
- Ocean Current Boundary Conditions
- Environmental Variables
- Seabed Modelling
- Stored Simulation Data
- VPML Particle Remeshing
- Modal Analysis
- Dynamic Wake Meandering
- Ice Throw Simulation
- Simulation Definition ASCII File
- Multi-Threaded Batch Analysis
- Velocity Cut-Planes
- Simulation Results & Data
- Campbell Graphs
- Generating Renderings & Screenshots
- Multi Turbine Simulation
- Simulation Postprocessing
- Windfield Generation
- Wave Generation
- Design Load Case Generation
- Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Software in Loop Interface (SIL)
- Software in Loop (SIL) Overview
- Quick Start with the SIL Interface in Python
- Interface Function Definitions
- Interface Function Documentation
- Python Example: Running the QBlade Library
- Python Example: Definition of the QBladeLibrary Class
- Matlab Example: Running the QBlade Library
- Matlab Example: Definition of the QBladeLibrary Class
- Changelog
- QBlade 2.0.7 beta
- QBlade beta
- QBlade beta
- QBlade beta
- QBlade 2.0.6 beta
- QBlade alpha
- QBlade alpha
- QBlade 2.0.5 alpha
- QBlade alpha
- QBlade alpha
- QBlade alpha
- QBlade alpha
- QBlade alpha
- QBlade alpha
- QBlade alpha
- QBlade alpha
- QBlade alpha
- QBlade 2.0.4 alpha
- Theory Guide
- Validation Cases and Examples
- License Info
- 1
D. Marten. QBlade: A Modern Tool for the Aeroelastic Simulation of Wind Turbines. PhD thesis, TU Berlin, 2019. doi:10.14279/depositonce-10646.
- 2
D. Marten, C. O. Paschereit, X. Huang, M. Meinke, W. Schröder, J. Müller, and K. Oberleithner. Predicting wind turbine wake breakdown using a free vortex wake code. AIAA Journal, 58(11):4672–4685, 2020. URL: https://doi.org/10.2514/1.J058308.
- 3
Francesco Balduzzi, David Marten, Alessandro Bianchini, Jernej Drofelnik, Lorenzo Ferrari, Michele Sergio Campobasso, Georgios Pechlivanoglou, Christian Navid Nayeri, Giovanni Ferrara, and Christian Oliver Paschereit. Three-Dimensional Aerodynamic Analysis of a Darrieus Wind Turbine Blade Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Lifting Line Theory. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 140(2):022602, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4037750.
- 4
H. A. Madsen, T. J. Larsen, G. R. Pirrung, A. Li, and F. Zahle. Implementation of the blade element momentum model on a polar grid and its aeroelastic load impact. Wind Energy Science, 5(1):1–27, 2020. URL: https://wes.copernicus.org/articles/5/1/2020/, doi:10.5194/wes-5-1-2020.