Simulation Results & Data

Fig. 109 Simulation results in live view.
Live Results View
During the evaluation of a simulation, the live data generated can already be investigated by the user in the GUI (see Fig. 109). The graph view can be configured to display between 2 and 8 graphs simultaneously. Each graph displayed in QBlade’s GUI can be set to a graph type of choice.
The available graph types for QBlade time-domain simulations are:
Aerodynamic Time Graph: Displays aerodynamic results plotted over time.
Aerodynamic Blade Graph: Displays aerodynamic results plotted over the blade at the current timestep.
Aerodynamic Strut Graph: Displays aerodynamic results plotted over the strut at the current timestep.
Structural Time Graph: Displays structural results plotted over time.
Structural Blade Graph: Displays structural results plotted over the structural bodies at the current timestep.
Hydrodynamic Time Graph: Displays hydrodynamic results plotted over time.
Controller Time Graph: Displays the contents of the controller swap array, plotted over time.
Simulation Time Graph: Displays global simulation results and performance metrics, plotted over time. This graph also contains the time domain data of the global mooring system.
All Data Time Graph: Displays all results that are a function of time.
All Data PSD Graph: Displays all results as a function of frequency (performs a DFT for each plotted timeseries).
DWM Graph: Displays results from the Dynamic Wake Meandering model.
Ensemble Graph: Displays aggregated ensemble results spanning a range of simulations.
Campbell Graph: Displays model frequencies and damping ratios over a range of simulations.

Fig. 110 The graph context menu, opened by right-clicking on a graph.